Wednesday 18 January 2012

Qualitative and quantitative research

For my research I will be using both qualitative and quantitative research.
Quantitative data is useful when wanting a quick and high number of responses to questions, however it the data you collect can be very vague.
Qualitative is useful when wanting a highly detailed and precise response to your questions, however it isn't quick and can take a long time to wade through.


  1. Hello, this is the blog of absolutely no work getting done. Seriously Jonny you need to get a move on.

  2. Jonny, You are getting scarily behind with your blog. Mr Howard and I have just been looking through every student's work, and yours is giving us cause for concern. If you don't start to catch up soon, you will be leaving yourself with a mammoth task later. Get it sorted! Come and speak to us if you are unsure about any of the work.

    Mr Williams and Mr Howard!
